Spinning rods are used exclusively for catching predatory fish with artificial lures – spoons, silicone, wobblers, etc. That is, we do not consider and do not recommend using a spinning rod to catch peaceful fish with a bottom tackle or float. It used to be that you would throw a bream feeder with one metal rod, hang up the jig in an hour and go fishing for pike. Nowadays, a modern spinning rod is maximally adapted for its tasks – with its help, you can comfortably and far throw lures, perform their conscious wiring, feel the delicate bite of the fish and, finally, bring it out without letting it get off the hook. In order to achieve this effect, manufacturers combine materials with different characteristics, experiment with the taper of the form, install different through rings and reel holders, and try different handle lengths. All of this to some extent affects how the angler will eventually feel and how ready he will be to fish in certain conditions.
Choosing the right spinning rod
As you know, spinning fishing is chosen by active people who do not like to sit still, are in constant search and get their portion of adrenaline from biting and fighting with fish that actively resists. So, if you consider yourself one of these people and decide to start fishing for predatory fish, then certain questions will inevitably arise at the initial stage:
- “How to choose a spinning rod?”
- “Which spinning rod is suitable for my pond?”
- “For catching pike weighing 1 kg, what is the best spinning rod to buy?”, etc.
The first thing to start with is to decide what size fish you plan to catch, how you will fish – from the shore or from a boat, and you should also take into account the area of the reservoir – a small river or a huge reservoir. Having answered these few questions for yourself, you can already make the right choice in the direction of a particular rod.

Power and spinning test
Depending on their power, all spinning rods are divided into several main categories:
- Ultra-Light – UL (ultralight);
- Light – L (light);
- Medium – M (medium);
- Heavy – H (heavy).
There are also intermediate categories, but for the sake of general understanding, we need to define these.
Ultra-Light rods are light and delicate rods designed for catching, as a rule, small fish with small lures. The test range (weight of the lures used) of such rods ranges from 0.5 to 8 grams.
Light has more power and is a more versatile class that will not show such sensitivity with small lure weights, but allows you to feel more confident with spoons and jigging rigs up to 15 grams. The test ranges are between 2 and 15 grams.
Medium class rods are the most versatile and suitable for different fishing conditions. That is, it is an alternative rod solution for all occasions. It is clear that you can achieve better results with a highly specialized tool, but when going to an unfamiliar body of water, a rod from the Medium category will be the best solution. The test range is between 5-25 grams.
Heavy – these are the most powerful and rigid rods designed for catching large fish with large and heavy lures. They are most often fished on rivers with strong currents or reservoirs with great depths, where the probability of meeting a trophy predator is maximized. The test range of such rods is 10-50 grams.
Having decided on what kind of fishing plan you will most often have, you should look towards one or another category depending on the power.
Length of the rod
The next parameter to consider when choosing a rod is its length. It affects the casting range – the longer, the farther the cast, but it also leaves its mark on the sensitivity and ease of use of the tackle. Here, the angler needs to decide which parameter is more important to him, for example, when fishing from the shore, it is often necessary to make long casts, and from a boat – this is relative, since you can swim to an interesting place at any time. And the sensitivity of the tackle is important in any method of fishing, so if you gain a few meters in the distance, you can miss the cherished bite. A little tip for beginners – a spinning rod length of 2.30-2.40 meters is the most optimal for different conditions.
Spinning rod action
The action of a rod is the operation of its blank under load, as indicated by its bending curve. If only its upper part bends, then this is an extra-fast action, and if the bend occurs all the way to the handle, then this action is called slow. There are several intermediate values between these two indicators (Fast, Medium-Fast, Medium, etc.) to more accurately determine the performance of the form. What does it affect? First of all, on the angler’s feelings during the fishing process, as well as on how the spinning rod will behave when casting, retrieving, hooking and weighing fish.
A softer rod can cast a light lure better, but it loses accuracy, the retrieve is smooth, and the hook-up is soft. When weighing with a soft spinning rod, there are fewer stairs, as the blank dampens all the jerks of the fish. A fast rod is necessary when fishing in cramped conditions, when casting accuracy is very important, and when the wiring requires sharp jerks, for example, when twitching wobblers. If fishing takes place at great depths with jig lures and there are snags nearby, then a fast action rod is indispensable.

Favorite rods
The main advantage of Favorite rods is that they are designed for our conditions and the fish that live in our reservoirs. Therefore, all parameters are maximally adapted to the criteria set by domestic anglers. The range includes specialized models for fishing for perch from the shore, pike perch from a boat on a river with a current, pike in overgrown shallow waters and other situations that occur in our latitudes.
Favorite pays a lot of attention to the production of its rods – it sometimes takes several years from the idea to the release of the series. All rods are tested and refined for a long time, tested with various fittings and combinations of materials, passing through the most severe fishing trips.
Spinning rods are made only from the most modern materials using the most advanced technologies. Accessories of famous brands are used, including the world famous Japanese manufacturer Fuji.
At the moment, Favorite rods are not inferior in quality and functionality to many, even the most famous analogues. They are already represented in more than 25 countries around the world, allowing anglers to reach new horizons in their hobby.